You know, sometimes I’m amazed when I simply do what God encourages me to do.
I know I shouldn’t be. He is, afterall, the Creator of all that exists. He’s made the sun stand still, parted large bodies of water, raised the dead — you know, stuff that you and I don’t do on a regular basis.
The other day I put out an appeal for a couple of things that are urgently needed in Ubaúna. In particular, I’d appealed for a digital camera, a laptop and money to help with Áudrey and Andréia’s move.
Well, looky what showed up!
We’ve received a camera and almost half of what was needed financially with promises of more to come! This little camera is going to become our eyes in Brasil and will be showing us all of the incredible things God is going to be doing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.S.: Áudrey and Andréia are now in Fortaleza and will be heading to Ubaúna in the next few days! They are simply waiting for their belongings to arrive from Brasília. (Oooh! This is making my liver quiver with antecipation ! 🙂 )