Seems that everybody, and his brother, was going to get up at 4:30 a.m. this morning and go to WalMart, or Target, or BestBuy, or Sears, or to the NAPA Auto Parts store.
To watch the shopping propaganda on tv yesterday would give you the impression that a) it would not be a sacrifice to get up so early, actually, it would be epiphanous (ok, ok, it means “a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience”), and b) only the fools and sloths would stay in bed while the inspired — and special — would be at the front door of their preferred shopping establishments, in the cold, with divine looks of antecipation and reverence on their beatific faces.
Did you get that, too? Or did I simply eat too much turkey?
Thanksgiving has become one of my favorite holidays. It has dethroned Christmas. I’m not sure when that happened, though I know it was a process that lasted several years. Why? Shucks, you can’t really go out and buy anything for Thanksgiving, except food. Most folks don’t get into a strong decorating mindset and go crazy months beforehand. Unless you’re throwing a big shindig for lots of folks or you really don’t care for your family, most don’t even get uptight about the preparation for the meal.
If you remember your fifth grade history lessons, you’ll recall that what we call Thanksgiving really was that — a day of giving thanks. It was sincere; the illegal aliens would have died had the nationals not stepped in and helped. That goes a long way in helping you to be sincere.
I try to be thankful every day. I mean, the older I become the more I realize how little it all depends on me. I am blessed continually. In big ways and itty-bitty ways. Continually. What was something I didn’t even think about, has become a lifestyle I’m striving to follow. Like Paul said: At the moment I have all I need—and more.* Why God has chosen to call me in the way he has is beyond me. But since he did, well, it has made all the difference and changed my perspectives.
I think my buddy Paul describes it best: I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.*
[*In case you want to know where Paul said this, look in Phillipians, chapert 4]