Wanna know what I found to be cool today?
- The weather! Dang! I believe “freezing” would be a better term.
- My setup and ushering teams at Lifepoint. We’re humping now — nothing like manpower to make a tough job easier. My cool dudes are great! Thanks Milo, Jerry, Cody and Kyle — you make bunches of kiddies happy. Kudos to my “commandos” Donna, Lisa, Diana, Natalie, Sterling, Jerry, Mike, Jose, Cody, Eddie and our favorite tagalong, George. You guys have made seating 500+ folks seem like child’s play. Dang! You make me proud!
- Snickerdoodle cookies from the Great American Cookie Company. We made a special run to the mall this afternoon just to pick up a bag. Yum!
- A car with good brakes. Let that one sink in… rather scary, huh?
- Having nothing planned all afternoon long. That felt good!