Got into work this morning to find that my phones were out and I had no internet connections. Not good! Especially when a large part of your business depends on phones and internet connection.
A frantic call to the telephone tech eventually brought sanity back into the place. The Bellsouth tech the day prior had unplugged a wire and had crossed another. He knocked out two of our lines, which just happened to be our order line, DSL line for internet and thus the router that controlled our internal computer network. What a mess!
Which got me to thinking…
How often do the “crossed wires” that disrupt our lives daily cause us to not be able to connect to the power source of life itself? What kind of mess do they create?
I’ve been following the writings of Eddie, a brother of mine in the Jesus Lord, and have watched him fighting “crossed wires” in his life recently. In his case, the crossed wires actually put him on track. That is how it should be — crossed wires can sometimes be the best thing that could happen to us. It allows you to find the REAL problem and correct it.
If your wires are crossed and you aren’t online with the power, you might want to check to see if someone, including you, might have been fiddling with the connection.
Just a suggestion . . .