Ok, we’re two days into a new year. Done anything significant yet?
Day 1 brought to mind an interesting, and perplexing, thought that sprung from yesterday’s reading in The One Year Bible: why did God make us?
So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27
I’m absolutely convinced that it isn’t “just because.” I think it goes well beyond that. He could have made us like the angels, or even the animals. But, for some reason, he chose to put his DNA into us. The question “why?” shouldn’t be lightly tossed out as nonrelevant.
This immediately brings up another stinky question, from today’s reading: “why the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9)? Another simple happenstance? You don’t really think so, do you?
This is one of the neat things about reading the Word in its entirety. You get the bigger picture that helps you answer some of the tough questions. The answers can totally transform who you are.
It just gets better! I’m thinking of starting a small group using The One Year Bible as the material; anyone interested?