If God were going to talk to you, how would he do it?
Would it be in a Charlton Heston, surroundsound, amplified, booming voice? Would it knock you off your feet like a lightning bolt striking a tree? Would it be so overwhelming that you’d turn into a bowl of quivering jello?
We often hear about the “small, still voice.” Would that be how God would speak to you? A quiet, raspy whisper, almost inaudible? How could you hear it if you were listening to the radio, at a ballgame or carrying on a conversation with someone else?
Does God even bother to speak to us today? Yes, I know that he speaks to us through the Word, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m referencing what you and I would call real talk. Does he do that today?
If so, how would he do it?