There are times when you just know you did something right . . .
I have (helped create?) a fabulous daughter. She hides between her other two siblings as the middle child, but that is really a ruse. She shines brightly and puts to shame the “middle child” label. She excels at so many different things . . . the one that just blows me away is her singing talent. She is really good, really. I can’t figure out where it came from; if she was relying on her ol’ man as the source of it, she’d be in deep trouble.
But I digress.
Jessica is going to have a grandchild. Well, she is going to have a child, but I’m having a grandchild. That makes her special right there! But — and you knew there would be one of those, didn’t you? — what makes something special has been surpassed with this grandchild. You see, Jessica has been in close and constant contact with me over the last several months as she and Charlie, her hubby, have been trying to cook up this child. She’s “consulted” me numerous times on the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ and ‘whens’ of baby making.
Embarrassed at first, she warmed to asking her dad all sorts of medical, health and technique questions concerning baby making. We’ve had some really interesting phone calls!
I would have never dreamed that I would be able to participate in her life in this way. Shucks! I should have been so embarrassed that I’d have rivaled a tomato for the color red.
Not only did that not happen, it turned into a remarkably pleasant experience. When she was doing all the testing stuff I got a string of phone calls and test messages giving the update and latest score. I even got to give her one of the first “congrats!”
No matter what happens in my life, I can easily point to her and declare that no matter how much I might mess up, Jessica is living proof that I can do something right.
Ok Jes, I’ve done the hard part, you take it from here . . .