I got this from Mark Virkler and thought it so “cute” that I’m doing the unthinkable — reposting it.
There once was a Rabbi whose son was quickly reaching adulthood. The Rabbi felt his son just didn’t have the appreciation for the Jewish religion that an adult should have so he decided to send him on a trip to the Holy Land to get a first-hand look at Jewish culture.
The boy came back from the trip and the father was asking him how it went.
“Oh it was really great, Dad, thanks! But, I must tell you that I’m a Christian now.”
The father was none too pleased and felt he had to do something, but didn’t know what. He went to a fellow Rabbi and told him the situation.
The Rabbi exclaimed, “Don’t look at me! I sent my son to Jerusalem and he came back a Christian also.” Their combined opinion was that it was a conspiracy and decided to go to the Head Rabbi.
The Head Rabbi exclaimed, “Don’t look at me! I too sent my son to Jerusalem and he came back a Christian. This is something we MUST pray over.”
All three kneeled and prayed, and God answered, “Don’t look at me….”