It’s sometimes hard to distinguish between a dream and reality…
Ever since this last trip to Ubaúna I’ve had a new respect for the unseen powers that are at war around us. It’s made me glad that I concentrate on the real instead of on how to spot the counterfit.
I’ve noticed an increase in my dreams and struggles between good and evil.
Last night was like that. I woke and couldn’t determine if it had really happened or was only a dream. My “intuition” told me that it didn’t matter. It was real, regardless of where it took place.
I find this exciting! The fact that the Evil One is so concerned with what is happening in that little villa in Brasil that he comes against me in my dreams illustrates the way I must be frustrating him. The fact that the Holy One was with me and allowed me to kick the Evil One’s butt in my dream is just as remarkable.
Big things are about to break loose in Ubaúna!