The story goes that a little boy was having a birthday and had an expectation of going to Toys ‘r Us to shop and enjoy the experience. His dad was a very busy and successful businessman. The boy asked his dad if he would take him to the toy store. His dad said, “No. I’ll pick up whatever you want later.” The boy didn’t give up. He loved his dad very much. He kept asking for his dad to take him.
Eventually, the dad was worn down and took the boy to the toy store. As they walked the aisles, the boy looked up into his dad’s eyes and said, “Thank you, dad. Maybe next time you will enjoy it.”
I’ve been thinking about being engulfed with the Spirit and walking with Jesus as two distinct qualities of my life. In trying to figure this out, I’ve discovered that many times in my life I have done things seemingly for Jesus out of obligation to others. I think many times I have been the dad taking my son to the toy store. I did it out of obligation.
I am discovering that Jesus isn’t what I’d always assumed (been told/taught). A simple “throwing everything away I believe in” and starting all over again with fresh eyes is allowing me to see what was always there but that I’d been unable to see. I keep coming back to the old adage that when the blind lead the blind they both fall in the ditch but in the land of the blind, he with one eye is king.
“Jesus” isn’t obligation; Jesus is awakening. It isn’t about service, obedience or being a good Christian. He’s about genuine transformation, a coming home to who you really are and have always been. I’d just forgotten. So, I suppose you could say Jesus is about remembering: I am he in this world.
I may still find myself in the toy store on occasion, but now I want to enjoy it.