Sometimes things that you can’t even imagine happen. Things beyond your wildest dreams. Things that make your mouth drop open.
So it is today in Brasil and Gospel for Brazil.
Today, GFB is now operating in two different states, Ceará (Ubaúna) and Acre (pronounced Ak-kre). There is one church functioning in Ceará and two churches functioning in Acre. The churches in Acre have over 100 members and two full-time pastors. They will be officially recognized as part of Gospel for Brazil by the government after the first of the year, but are functionally cooperating with us for the common cause of the growth of the church.
Plans are being made for a meeting with the pastors in Ubaúna in January. The desire is to coordinate efforts and begin a leadership training process to benefit all the churches.
In the very near future we will be sharing more details and photos.
Is God good or what?!