An interesting phenomenon is occurring in Brasil… the dollar is dropping like a rock!
I’m not an economist; from a logical perspective, it makes no sense. I know the dollar is falling worldwide, but you’d anticipate it being stronger in the weaker economy of a nation like Brasil.
From a real perspective (pun intended: “real” is the Brasilian currency), this impacts us dramatically. It makes everything more expensive.
As an example, ticket costs to fly to Brasil during prime time has increased an average of $400 over four years. It has increased $200 over the last year alone. Day to day operation of the church plant in Ubaúna has gone up almost 12% since September 2007. In practical terms, if something cost us $1000 in September, it costs us almost $1200 today.
This simply means:
1) We need to be on our knees more
2) We need to expand our support base
3) Satan must really be mad
4) Is this going to be a phenomenal victory or what?!
I never ceased to be amazed at how God allows us to play in his game, especially when it seems by the world’s standards that we don’t have a chance of winning. The win is so much sweeter!