My friend, co-worker and Ubaúna pastor has been having a rough time lately.

First, there was the motorcycle accident. Ugly. Painful. Debilitating. Still recovering weeks later.
Then, a severe intestinal infection.
Now, the flu.
To those of you who know him and to those of you who know of him, please take a moment and send an email to him. Yes, in English. You know those goofy online cards you can send, send him one of those.
He’s also now on Twitter and you can follow him here.
If you don’t know what a “Twitter” is, an explanation probably wouldn’t help you.
His email is pastoraudrey at Don’t send it that way; use the @ in the place of “at” and don’t use any spaces. I don’t want the little spiders and robots out there that scavenge email addresses to get his and flood his inbox with junk. I do want to see you flooding his inbox!