Precocious, willful, inquisitive, obstinate, a real pain in the butt.
Felipe burst into my world in July 2004 in Ubaúna. He was like a wild animal, into everything. The classes we were having with the children were continually being disrupted by Felipe. He was like a kid with ADD on steroids. Impossible to control.
Fast forward to last week.
250+ children in classes, the equivalent of herding cats. And in the midst of all the clamor, what did I hear being repeated time after time: “Felipe!” He was everywhere, into everything. A virtual whirlwind of disruption and destruction.
The kids were given the task of gathering trash in the streets and bringing the bags back to the school where the classes were being held. They were to receive a prize for each bag of trash they brought back. Felipe immediately began stealing the trash bags from the younger children. Once caught doing this, he began taking trash out of trashcans instead of picking it up on the street. I was ready to execute him on the spot.
Then it hit me. He’s screaming for attention. With that, a new strategy surfaced — give him what he’s desperate to receive.
I made him my “official” helper. I put him to work, promoted him, gave him what he wanted.
The transformation was instant and complete. Anything that needed to be done, he was there. No more “wild indian” running around, but a little leader assuming his responsibility.
Before the week ended, Felipe accepted the Jesus Lord as his really big boss. His mother would not allow him to be baptized and this broke his little heart. I told him as we were leaving that I would make it my utmost priority to talk with his mother when I return about him being baptized.
He smiled a really big smile . . .