It’s looking like we may have enough funds to feed the kids again on this trip!
The checks continue to trickle in and I’ve been told by several that they will be giving me their checks over the next couple of days.
If you’re reading this and want to participate, we’re asking for donations to feed 250+ kids every day for two weeks at the approximate cost of $1 per day. Checks can be made out to Gospel for Brazil and sent to 803 S. College Rd, Ste D, Wilmington, NC 28403. You can also contribute online at the Gospel for Brazil web site. This is the link that will allow you to contribute securely through PayPal. Our deadline is Thursday, July 5.
If anyone is feeling especially generous, we’re asking for $1800 for a full-time teacher and coordinator of the work with the poor in Ubaúna. We have the individual and they are already working with the kids on a limited basis. This will pay their salary for a year and enable them to devote all their time to teaching kids and parents how to read and write, hygiene, and the Word.
Thank you for all you are doing! You’re simply the greatest!