People often query me as to why I’ll use certain vocabulary.
“Don’t you know that is rather vulgar?”
Actually, I do. And that is often the point of it. I want your attention.
You’ll not find me using the George Carlin‘s famous seven words that can’t be used on television; in fact, the “nice” derivatives that spring from them are very rarely found in my vocabulary.
But there is a certain “acceptable” vocabulary that is used in many conversations that is still considered “inappropriate” in a public forum. THAT is where you’ll find me roaming around because I know that you know, and use, those dicey words and that you don’t expect me to do so where they “shouldn’t” be used.
Hence the title: “Funerals suck.”
First, they do. Seriously, who likes going to funerals? It’s all about death and we as a society are loath to deal with it on any level. That makes it even worse than it actually is.
Second, it is the Enemy that makes them so sucky; in fact, were it not for he, there’d be no funerals. He stole the keys to the kingdom from us.
Third, I used “suck” in a derogatory manner in a sermon, twice, in a church, last night and it fit perfectly.
I participated in a funeral of a friend of mine —Johnny McIntyre— and it didn’t suck in the manner that most do. Both my “first” and “second” above were true, but the difference was that it was a genuine celebration and we reveled in the fact that we know we got the keys back.
Johnny passed from this life to the glorious life on Monday night; last night we celebrated that event, cried together that we wouldn’t have him around to enjoy and got excited about what he is doing now and what we’re going to be allowed to do when we also die.
This funeral didn’t suck, it rocked…