Remember my meanderings on the temperature and time sign?
I made the mistake a few years ago of reading some of the works of a certain K. P. Yohannan, in particular, his Revolution in World Missions and Road to Reality profoundly affected me. I’ve given away almost 50 copies of Revolution in World Missions simply to expose folks to his “radical” approach to world missions. His Road to Reality is one of those books you do not want to read unless you are ready to swallow hard and look at your faith brutally in the mirror.
K.P. has been on my mind a lot recently.
I’ve found myself asking the question: How do you become a person who attracts the unchurched? Isn’t that what it —being a Jesus follower— is all about? Everything else is secondary, or, at least when I read through the New Testament that is what I understand (yeah, I know I’m rather silly).
The answer is making me realize that I haven’t done much over the years to attract them. How do I change that?
I am fascinated by what Forefront is doing in a bar in Virginia Beach. They have taken a path that is guaranteed to upset the status quo and I sincerely feel that such an approach is sorely needed. Over 70% of the people who attend Forefront were formerly unchurched. Seventy percent! Try counting the folks in your church who were once “unchurched;” you might be sadly enlightened as to how few you have.
Hey, don’t look at me like I’ve got the answers! I’m stumbling through this on my own and can’t find a good instruction manual. When I read this today, I’ll admit it sucker punched me — that is what is supposed to happen!
How do I do it in my life?
This is way too long today. Sorry. If you read this far, I’ll keep it shorter. I’m absolutely intent on figuring this thing out, but will try to do so will fewer words.
I’m curious, anyone else wrestling with this?