I’m pumped!
God so knows what he is doing.
Last year the GFB Board of Directors underwent a radical transformation. Folks who had been on the board have served an extremely useful role and I am sincerely grateful to them for what they have done. In the Fall of last year, God let it be known that a change was in order as we move into a new phase.
After much prayer, five men were indicated and invited to become the Board. All accepted. Now, not four months later, it is obvious that the Board has moved into its role and confirmed, for me, that they are indeed the ones God had chosen.
We had a board meeting on Saturday and they blew me away! Their insight, enthusiasm and desire to see God’s plan unfold charged me up. I’m so proud, and excited, I could spit. In fact, I did! 🙂
You are going to be seeing some incredible plans unfolding in the next few months and it is going to make for some exciting times in Ubaúna and the surrounding area.
Please be praying for the GFB board and their guidance of our direction.