The most delicious time of a trip to Ubaúna (Brazil) is always two weeks prior to the actual trip.
You are able to savor the upcoming adventure but don’t have to do anything. It is close enough to get excited but far enough away that the hassles involved in preparation haven’t kicked in.
The most hectic, and possibly unenjoyable, time of a trip to Ubaúna is the week prior to the actual trip.
Everything has to be done for the trip AND for the two weeks you’re on the trip AND for the first week after getting back from the trip. I continuously think of the little gingerbread man’s mantra: “Run, run fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man…”
The expression, “meeting myself going” seems appropriate.
At T minus 3 and counting, I’m definitely in the most unenjoyable part of my upcoming trip.
But come Sunday, the game begins and this week becomes history!