Just read a fascinating post called “How Hubble Killed God…” Check it out, it boggles the mind.
Look up in the sky. With the naked eye (why do we always say “naked” eye? Do we ever dress it up with a coat and tie?), from any one position on earth, you can see about 2500 stars. All in our galaxy (the Milky Way). Our galaxy contains between 200 and 600 billion stars (that’s billion, with ‘b’). The size of our galaxy is between 70,000 and 100,000 light-years across. The nearest star to our own Sun is Alpha Centauri and its only 4.35 light-years away. We all know that a light-year is the distance light travels in one year, but what it actually means to us is when we look up at the night sky and see Alpha Centauri, we are actually seeing what it looked like 4.35 years ago. We are looking back in time. Cool, huh?
It gets better.
Look at the moon. Divide its diameter by 10. Pretty small, right? Choose any dark section of the sky, between stars, and try to image that tenth of the moon’s size and look at it. Nothing there, right? Nope!
The Hubble Space Telescope did the same thing every night in late 2003. 400 orbits of the earth, 800 photos taken, same patch of space.
All those specks you see are not stars, they’re other galaxies. In this image alone, there are almost 10,000 galaxies. The nearest ones, those that appear as well-defined spirals and ellipses, are about one billion light-years away.
Each of those galaxies comprises billions of stars, and if the Hubble photo represents only one tiny part of the whole sky (which is actually 12.7 million times bigger), we can only wonder at how many galaxies, stars and solar systems might fill our universe.
This is where my little ol’ brain kinda goes into the tilt mode. I remember as a child, looking at the stars (and not knowing all these immense numbers) and really freaking out.
So, what’s the point? The universe was created, the earth was created and Man was created, all during Creation Week and all with supernatural logic and reason behind it. God got kinda carried away and went overboard with all the over-the-top elaborate sky decorations, did He not? Surely some painted white dots on a big canvas hung around the earth would have sufficed. But it wouldn’t.
We are the reason for it all. He wanted to be with us. He wanted to awe us, win us, impress us. So He goes above and beyond the call of duty and gives us the universe. Just so we could be in amazement of Him.
Dang! He’s got my attention . . .