This God thing is really just a farce, isn’t it?
I mean, seriously. Do we really believe all this stuff about a God so big that he really cares about us? Isn’t that illogical. If he really did exist in the way that the Bible says he does, why in the world would he ever want to be involved in the triviality that composes my life?
Funny thing is, we really want to believe that it is true. It’s almost like we’ve been hardwired in some way to think crazy thoughts like that. But something just doesn’t jive. As Francis Chan states it, “we all know something is wrong.”
What if… what if it is true?
I mean really true. Not true like many people who claim to believe it, go to church and struggle not to cuss. Not true like the hypocritical TV evangelists who pump the gospel like Billy Mays used to pump OxyClean. Not true like the lie that if you believe in this so-called “God” that you’ll live happily. Not true like the closed door policy of so many churches…
I mean really true.
Then what do you do?