Seems the building we rented in Ubaúna had a previous tenant who held macumba services in the upstairs residence part!
Áudrey wrote:
Semana passada travamos uma luta espiritual lá na casa, vínhamos tendo pesadelos e sentindo calafrios. Quando descobrí que antes de nós, quem alugara a casa tinha sido um macumbeiro e fazia os trabalhos na sala onde estávamos dormindo. Foi sinistro, parecia que tinha algo querendo amassar a minha cabeça. No fim, vencemos.
Last week we went through a spirit battle in the house. We’d been having nightmares and feeling something “touching us.” I discovered that before we’d moved in, the person who’d rented the house had been a macumba adherent and was holding services in the room we’ve been sleeping in. It was sinister, I had the sense that something was wanting to crush my head in. In the end, we won!
More to come…