Ever been underwater and felt like you weren’t going to get back to the surface?
That’s where I’ve been for the last five days. This morning is the first morning I’ve woken and feel like I could breathe.
I’ve been waltzing around the ballroom with Uncle Sam’s secret police we lovingly know as the IRS. Let me simply state for the public record, “I hate doing taxes!”
I know some of you are probably thinking I’ve lost it at this point: “Taxes, in September? Isn’t that an April kind of thing?”
For most, yes.
For me, no.
Tax extensions for corporations come due on September 15. That was the troll I’ve been fighting. And, had it not been for a kind CPA friend giving me some accounting sleuthing in the last minutes yesterday, I’d still be struggling and I’d be late to boot.
Burdens off the shoulder make you feel like you are floating!:)