Pastor Jeff reminded me of something yesterday.
He was telling of how when he arrived home each evening his kids would run to him, using his legs as a backstop, and wrap themselves around him like a snake around a tree. They are so happy to see him that they just want to crawl up in his lap and glow in his presence.
He also mentioned how he took his youngest with him in his car; when they returned home the little munchkin could only talk about his dad’s car. Now, as Jeff pointed out, his car is a ’93 Toyota and not an ’07 Cadillac. What Emery was excited about had nothing to do with the car, it had to do with being with his dad.
Both of these stories perfectly illustrate what our relationship with the Creator ought to be. Hanging out with Dad, crawling up in His lap, listening to his stories, hearing His voice. It’s nice to be reminded of this in such a real way. Makes you want to experience it, doesn’t it?