Ok, this is gonna freak some of you out. It sure has done so with some of our team, including some of the Brasilian team members.
The couple who has come to check out Ubaúna with the possibility of moving here, Áudrey and Andréia Feitoza, are being used in a powerful way. Last night a little girl who had been born with a birth deformity (one leg much shorter than the other), walked out with both legs the same length. She has been in constant pain for years. The doctors have performed several surgeries attempting to resolve her problem but have had no success at all. They told the mother that it was only a matter of time until the problem would cause more severe problems than it already has.
The mother brought the little girl to Áudrey and asked if he could help. We examined the girl and I can testify that she indeed had a serious problem. As we prayed, the girls leg literally grew right in front of our eyes! I am not kidding, it grew like those sped up film sequences of a plant growing out of the ground. One moment she was limping and grimacing as she walked, the next she was literally running back and forth in the front of the building. Everyone was boohooing.
This came on the heels of a 74 year old woman, the grandmother of the little girl, being so hobbled and unable to walk that she had to be helped to the front, being totally healed. I kid you not. She was walking, bending, crying, amazed at what happened. She´d been in this state for 5 years! She actually been given only a month to live by a doctor on Friday of last week — she´s going to go back to him for a second opinion! 🙂
We´ve had people who´ve had disabling back problems for 17 years, a mildly deaf boy, a lady with a severe migraine headache and a girl who was declared mentally incompetent, a vegetable, since early childhood, unable to even recognize her father, be completely healed.
No, I´ve not been hitting the tequila bottle. We´ve seen the powerful manifestation of God´s Spirit. This was the result of what happened on our last trip. Satan has lost his grip, literally, on this little village. We are on the verge of the Word making significant inroads into this community!
Please, please be praying for us over the next three nights!