The latest book I’ve been working through is The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story Of Chinese Christian Brother Yun.
My eldest daughter gave it to me when I was out to see her back in February. I’d been working through several other books and had put this one aside. I picked it up this weekend and haven’t been able to put it down.
A dramatic autobiography of one of China’s dedicated, courageous, and intensely persecuted house church leaders, Liu Zhenying or Brother Yun as everyone calls him, the book leaves you shaking your head in wonder. Why do people do such horrible things against other humans and how do our persecuted brothers make the leap from ordinary to extraordinary?
Coming on the heels of my re-read of Yohannan’s Road to Reality, The Heavenly Man is a real kicker from a faith perspective. How little we do, how much we could do, how much will we do — intriguing responses to Brother Yu’s story. You owe it to yourself to give this one a spin (I’ll be happy to lend it to any of you in Wilmington).
[I tried posting a copy of the book’s cover but WordPress was uncooperative. The ISBN number is ISBN: 082546207X]