Though his power has been broken, Satan has effectively and efficiently convinced us humans, and especially those of us who claim to follow Jesus, otherwise.
We willingly give him the power we’ve been given and he immediately puts it to use against us.
As Americans we are blessed that we do not live in a third world country. What we think is “bad” pales in comparison with “bad” in less developed nations. The open depravity that Satan has unleashed on these countries in appalling. He rules. Unequivocally. People are oppressed so severely by his domination that even attempts to break free are actually traps that suck the miscreant deeper into his clutches.
There is no escape, except One, and the Dictator has so convincingly lied about the One, and especially His church, that the slave will not accept the avenue of freedom that is right in front of him.
My excursion into the favela in Fortaleza was a textbook case.
I could literally feel the presence of evil. I was challenged with “What are YOU doing here!”
Funny, but the story of the angels going into Sodom to rescue Lot came to mind, especially the scene where the inhabitants surrounded the house wanting the visitors handed over to them.
The two gatherings of less than pleasant characters on the street corners didn’t help remove that image from my mind.