Here’s one I bet you don’t think about too often: what do you find most intriguing about the Holy Spirit?
Remember the ol’ Batman and Boy Wonder duo on tv? While Batman was always poised and in control of his emotions, Robin was a highly excitable young man. Throughout their exploits, Robin would often find some event, some comment, some thing, completely unbelievable. On these occassions, he would exclaim, “Holy (insert words here), Batman!” In three seasons he used 356 different “Holy (insert words here), Batman!” phrases. Typical outbursts sounded like this: “Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth, Batman!” Some of the more interesting combinations were “Holy sardine,” “Holy nightmare,” “Holy hallucinations,” and “Holy flypaper,” and “Holy interplanetary yard stick.”
So what has that got to do with being intrigued by the Holy Spirit? Well, just like the excitable Robin, I find the Spirit to be completely unbelievable. Hence, “Holy Spirit, Batman!” might be a very good — though campy — way of expressing it.
If I was the one responsible for coming up with a way for the Creator of the universe to be intricately involved with the gem of his creation — man — I would not have chosen the Spirit. Doesn’t make sense. Too esoteric, too ethereal, too . . . woowoo. Not to mention too much work on our part. Just say it, for heaven’s sake.
Fortunately, it wasn’t up to me. That would’ve been a bad mistake!
Though I find him quite “unbelievable,” he is the spark that gives my faith that “humph” that makes it real and vibrant. He is the glue that ties it all together. It is he who ushers me into the spiritual realms where awe and wonder overwhelm me in the presence of I AM. It is the Spirit that inexplicably and eternally connects me to the Jesus Lord.
What intrigues me about the Spirit? The Holy part.