A question came to mind while at the airport earlier…Why is it that the TSA screeners have to have looks on their faces as though they would like to hurt you?
I want them to be efficient and effective. I don’t want terrorists getting on the airplane with me. However, I do think you can do that without a look on your face that says “I want to break your face!!!”
Some things are obvious. A little ol’ lady isn’t your typical Muslim radical seeking to blow up the airplane. Even your typical looking Muslim radical probably isn’t one either… think about it. If you want to pass for normal and not call attention to yourself, wouldn’t you go out of your way NOT to look like your typical radically-acting Muslim?
While I could possibly make a case for the latter being more carefully scrutinized, the former makes no sense. Yet that is exactly what I saw: grey-haired, cane-carrying granny spread-eagled and being patted down by two, not one, screeners.
For some reason that did not make me feel safer…