I’m seeing folks struggling with esoteric religious issues all around me. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin type of stuff. They’re whipping up a froth, quoting Piper, Kant, the United Methodist Church Doctrines and Covenants and Captain Kangaroo. They’re really causing a stir and spinning off shrapnel in every direction.
Whew! Makes my head spin like one of those whirlybird chicken windmills in a storm.
I guess I’m simply not interested. I deal with folks whose lives are coming apart at the seams. They are questioning their ability to even have a “faith” (whatever that is) and whether or not they should just take a handful of pills and be done with it all.
Seems to me that the simple stuff is much more difficult to deal with than the ivory tower kind.
Maybe that’s why so many folks are running around screaming that the sky is falling…