There! I’ve admitted it.
I feel better. Twice in just a couple of months I’ve confessed my hatred. First of smoothie bars, and now, of a gentleman in Anderson, S.C. by the name of Perry Noble. Hatred can be such a cruel master.
So, what’s my beef with the Noblemeister? Allow me to enumerate:
1. He’s in Anderson, South Carolina
I live in North Carolina. I have this long-standing love/hate thing with South Carolina. Growing up in southeastern North Carolina, very close to the South Carolina border and Myrtle Beach, I spent mucho time in the southern Carolina. Most of my childhood and teen memories of the southern neighbor are pleasant and evoke fun memories. But—isn’t there always one of those—there was a rivalry. Those of us living on the border contended with this rivalry daily. Jokes abound, insults are the norm. So, naturally, there is a tendency to have a bit of a condescending, look down the nose, mildly snooty air about our southern counterpart.
2. He’s so dang transparent!
Come on! When you’re as successful, you’re supposed to have a air of mystic about you. With Perry, what you see is what you get…that’s not how a pastor is supposed to be!
3. He makes Christianity way too attractive and simple.
Someone needs to tell him that its not supposed to be fun, life-changing, and understandable. Why, he gives traditional Christianity a bad name!
4. He motivates you.
Why in the world would he do that? Doesn’t he understand that the Christian is supposed to just sit in the pew and mouth nice platitudes? There isn’t supposed to be action behind our words.
and finally, I hate Perry Noble because
5. He honestly wants to see others succeed.
Go figure. Makes no sense does it?
Perry Nobel is definitely someone I hate . . . to not be like. Thanks Perry for the inspiration!