One of the absolute joys about what I do is helping couples successfully make babies.
No, I don’t participate in the physical process that is required. I do orient them when they’ve been unsuccessful or have had a series of miscarriages or other events that have interrupted a pregnancy. We simply explore the natural ways that are available and “voilá!,” baby.
A few years ago a woman came in to the office and we had a new gal working for us who didn’t know her. She asked to speak to me. The receptionist told her I was tied up and couldn’t see her. The lady responded that I would want to see her and pointed to the newborn in her arms. She added: “He is responsible for this!”
The gal was in my office so fast she almost took my door off its hindges! “You have to come out here! There’s a lady with your baby and your wife is going to be back any minute!” I suppose she was antecipating an interesting confrontation and was eager to avoid it.
When I went out, there was a beautiful baby girl and a beaming mother. At that point the husband walked in, saw the receptionist gawking at the scene and proudly proclaimed: “Ain’t the doc great! He is responsible for this bundle of joy!” I thought the girl was going to cut and run. She was swallowing hard and pointed to the window. She simply said, “Your wife.”
When my wife walked in the couple ran over to her to show her the baby and everybody ooed and aaed. The receptionist was dumbfounded. It wasn’t until the couple left that she finally understood that my responsibility in creating the baby had been a professional one, not an amorous one.
Yesterday I had another proud new mother come in. She and hubby were so happy and bubbly with a three-month old, blue-eyed girl. They had unsuccessfully tried to become and maintain a pregnancy for years. They were simply beaming.
I guess I should notch the door or the front desk each time this happens. But there are so many that it would be serrated! And because I do “health,” I’m seldom offered a cigar (although some have!).
With all the babies I’ve “made,” I guess I might get a reputation as being a stud!