Some of you know Richard. Others of you have heard of him. And, by extension, most of you don’t have a clue who he is.
Richard is a man who is approaching 30, but, hasn’t been emotionally or psychologically present in his body for eight years.
I’ve been “working” with Richard since October of last year and I’ll honestly state I’ve never met a person like him. The person I first met was not “Richard;” ever heard the expression, “the lights were on but nobody was home?”
Last night I “met” Richard for the first time.
Some of you who either know him or know of him have been praying for him. Thank you. It hasn’t been in vain; in fact, its having effect. Don’t stop!
For those of you who have no clue who he is, other than what you’ve just read, I’d invite you to pray for him. Pray for his freedom, his liberation, for him to be fully Richard.
I’ve not heard Richard use a vocabulary of more than 10 words in the 5 months I’ve know him. Never more than 3 words at a time, never more than 7-8 over the course of an hour or two with him (most times none at all) and the majority of them of the four-letter variety.
As I left last night, he looked at me and said, simply, “thank you.” And he meant it…