Ok, I’ve been back for every bit of 16 hours. Feeling better, a bit more peppy. But I will not complain when bedtime rolls around again.
The trip was a good one. Definitely a productive one. Lots of hard work began yielding some remarkable fruit.
The image that comes to mind is that of a dam that has developed a crack at the base. This region of Brasil has belonged to the Evil One for longer than we can imagine. It is a stronghold. He’s ruled with an iron fist and the town of Ubaúna is a reflection of his rule. In fact, Ubaúna has amazingly served as the capital of his reign.
A simple jaunt 13 miles down the road to the neighboring town of Frecheirinha shows a stark contrast: clean, inviting, happy people, vibrant — even in the heat. Ubaúna is the opposite.
As a result of the activities of this expedition, the staunchness and iron control has developed a crack. This crack is a fast spreading crack. It threatens to turn into a gapping hole. Holes in the side of a dam usually spell the doom of the structure. Such it is with this one . . . the king is dead, long live the King!
I really don’t mean to be melodramatic. The fact is that a fundamental change has occurred in the spiritual fabric of Ubaúna. The folks involved in this trip, Americans and Brasilians, can be proud of the way they served their Commander. They truly were warriors for the Way. I believe that we will look back on this trip in the very near future and be able to say that it was the beginning of the end, or, from the Jesus-Lord’s perspective, the beginning of the beginning.
Like my title states, this is an initial reflection. Bear with me as I work though my thoughts and impressions. I’d be very interested in hearing yours after reading mine.