Yesterday was a day of interest stuff happening:
Who could ignore the Superbowl? I’ll admit I didn’t even know it was yesterday until someone told me on Saturday night. I watched the last half — good game,
Ever heard of Carnaval (not “Carnival”)? I know you’ve heard or Mardi Gras. Well, Mardi Gras is a little kid’s birthday party compared to Carnaval in Brasil. The whole country shuts down for 6 days, parades around naked, gets drunk, and generally lives in debauchery for a week. It is on prime time television all week and you watch scantily-cladded and naked females dressed up like peacocks dancing the samba for hours on end. Amazingly, it is boring. Sunday is the biggest day of the affair and it monopolized Brasilian tv.
Lifepoint was jammin’! I overheard two college kids as they were leaving the second service yesterday state: “Wow! I thought PC3 [Port City Community Church] was on the cutting edge; they can’t compare to this!” I guess that’s good. 🙂
Had lunch with my little bud J.J. He’s up at Southeastern College at Wake Forest. Got caught up on what has going on in the religious mecca.
We’ve got ourselves a Brasil team lined up for July! Ok, technically, this occurred on Saturday night, but it was close enough to count.
And, I got to lay on the couch for several hours without getting up!