I love tiramisu. I don’t use the love word lightly. I really can chow down on this luscious treat, make a real porker out of myself. If you throw in a good cup of coffee, it gets really ugly 🙂
But, you can get too much of a good thing. Once you’ve eaten more than you should, the thought of eating more is quite unpleasant [makes you want to puke?]
Such it might be with my reporting of our Brasilian adventure. Believe me, I’ve got tons of material to share — no shortage of stories, events, happenings, etc. But, like eating too much tiramisu, it might be getting kinda heavy on the ol’ tummy [brain] at this point. So, I’ll be concluding my journal here at joecarr.wordpress.com tomorrow morning with the last installment of the Shootout at the OK Corral.
I’ll be concluding it on this blog, is what I mean to say.
I’ve another blog that was originally setup just for Brasil stuff and I’ll be posting there indefinitely on an almost daily basis (this stuff is just way too good to let it go stale in my gray matter). I plan to even port much of this material written over the last week to the same blog. There are many folks who are interested in Gospel for Brazil and it just makes good sense to tie these tales to that web site and blog.
So, if you’re interested, jump on over as often as you like and continue reading the harried tales of our ragtag crew in Ubaúna.
But don’t neglect me here!
I’ve got so much stuff rolling around between these two ears that is just dying to get out that it comes close to being classified as sinful! If you’ve read any of my stuff over the last few months, you know that you’ll never know what I’m going to say. Shucks, just the daily Bible reading material could keep me chewing the cud for months.
Enjoy the post tomorrow, then watchout!