By the time you’re reading this I’ll be at 35,000 feet and moving at 600+ mph. Off we go 5,000 miles to the south with a really long day ahead of us.
We’re on our way to Brasil . . . Ubaúna, Ceará, northeastern Brasil, to be more correct. Latitude 3° 43′ 60S, longitude 40° 40′ 0W. And, yes, Brasil is spelled with an”s,” not a “z.”
Vacation getaway? Not hardly. Average temperature this time of the year is 100+; a 6-hour drive from civilization, middle of the desert. Telephone, electricity and running water have only been available withing the last 15 years. Unless you’re into roughing it, luxury vacation it’s not!
Quite an adventure awaits us. Voodoo kings, religious “persecution,” starving children, “interesting” smells, heat, bugs and roosters that can’t tell time. But we’re ready. Actually we more than ready, we’re primed! Getting ready to go wears you down, but once you’re moving, you’re engaged. Nothing you can do about what you left behind at this point; so, you might as well sit down, buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Me and you and a dog named “Boo” (ok, so it’s just Arimar and myself, but we’re covered by the Spirit), traveling to an adventure that beckons us like a lighthouse in the dark. Hang on and I’ll try to give you the highlights (as I have access to a computer).