Sounds like I’ve been leaning too heavily on the eggnog bowel, huh?
G(i)FB(o) is how we pronouce “GFB .” So, why would we even want to try to pronouce “GFB?”
Glad you asked!
GFB is “Gospel for Brazil,” a non-profit organization that we’ve established to advance the work of the church in northerneastern Brasil, particularly in the state of Ceará. If you’d like more info, you can check out our web page.
But G(i)FB(o) is a blog that I’ve set up to describe, in my own “unique” way, what is going on with the work in Brasil. Not only will I discuss the actual work, but Brasilian politics that are impacting us, financial fluctuations, and, of course, my own biased take on it all. Interesting it might be, different it will definitely be.
Since my readership is now up to three [hi mom and dad!], I thought I’d strike while the iron is hot and the blog stats are slightly off the bottom line and introduce all three of you to what this crazy guy doing in his spare time!
(no, I didn’t just sneeze! That’s pronounced “chow” in Portuguese and it means “bye,” later,” “see ya.” I don’t understand why when I say that around here everybody starts looking for food?)