On the heels of the good work being done by Jessica, I’ve got to give accolades and kudos to Trish.
Trish Lieseke (on the right in the photo) went with us back in 2004 on the first trip to Ubaúna and was the lynchpin of the program we put on for the kids. It’s her fault that we have to work so hard now just to live up to the high standard she set! 🙂
Trish has just dropped off some fabulous materials to use with the kids. These little folks aren’t going to know what hit them! What’s really cool is that the materials can also be used with the teenagers and, even better, with the adults!
No one who is present at any of the gatherings we have will have any doubt about who Jesus is and what he offers. Thanks Trish!
This is what it is all about… disciples contributing to help make more disciples. Even though they may not physically be going, they make it happen. Without them, the Word cannot be successfully presented; without them, everything comes to a halt.