I’ll readily admit that I am a fan of Perry Noble.
The man is both transparent and consumed. He aches to see Jesus do fabulous stuff.
Today he wrote about reading some passages in the Old Testament. Two in particular caught my attention because I’ve been pondering the same thoughts in regards to what is happening in Brasil:
I was flipping through Scripture and wound up in the book of Habakkuk. The Lord quickly reminded me of two verses…
One was Habakkuk 1:5…I remember reading this verse when we began NewSpring and praying, “Lord, I want that!!!” And I still pray this often!!! I want the Lord to continually do things at NewSpring that cause the world to be amazed…He has called us to be THE CHURCH…and somehow I don’t think hot dog suppers and sending second hand clothes overseas counts as amazing…we are capable of so much more!
The other was Habakkuk 3:2…here the prophet is saying, “God…I’ve heard about what you have done, who you are, but I don’t just want to hear about these things–I WANT TO SEE THEM!!!” YES!!! I am truly in awe of God–what He is doing among us is amazing…but I want to see Acts 2!!! I want to see Him do such an amazing work among us that even the most vile pagan in this community has to say, “There is no way a man is capable of THAT…there HAS TO BE A GOD and I want to know Him!”
There’s much more I don’t know than I do know about what God is doing in Ubaúna, but the one thing I’m sure of is that an Acts 2 type of experience is on the near horizon. He is not calling me, us, to participate with Him in causing this to become a reality by having garage sales, chickin pickins and gathering up second-hand clothes to give to the poor in Ubaúna.
He’s the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, for heaven’s sake! The earth and everything in it were made by Him. He’s simply calling us to participate with Him by believing and going. Period. That’s it.
I confess that I’ve been guilty of trying to do it myself. Perry reminded me today that it is God who is doing and will be doing the incredible, not me.
I just want to see it!