The Thirty had no identity crisis.
There was no attempt at being politically correct and “playing nicely.” They ran with scissors in hand, they jumped off roofs, they killed giants. They knew what was necessary and they rose to the task, even at the risk of their own lives.
We should not be running from… darkness. If indeed we really are the light of the world, we should be running toward the darkness with the understanding that we cannot be overcome by darkness. We should take the light and jam it down the throat of darkness… We were born to be warriors, born again to be chasing the darkness away… we must remember who we are and ride out and meet the enemy. This is who we really are, what we were always meant to be.” (Neil Cole, Organic Church)
That is who we, the followers of Jesus, are supposed to be. Not a cowardly group hiding in our church fortress with it’s stained-glass windows.
Yes, you will be considered “fanatical” and “whacky,” but you’ll also ride with the One with flowing white hair and eyes of fire…