…she was pregnant for 3 months before anyone knew about it
This is how Audrey described a young girl who just gave birth to a child.
She literally just dropped the child right out onto the floor. She gave birth at home and, since she’d never given birth before, didn’t realize she was going into labor. Obviously it wasn’t too difficult because the child slid right out and hit the dirt floor with a ‘thud.’ The thing that astounds me is the filth on the floor. I was born in a shack with dirt floors, but my mom always kept the dirt well swept and as clean as dirt can be. But in this shack… well, it wasn’t clean.
The new mother lives in Paxólas, the slum in Ubaúna. Both mother and child are doing well. Her siblings and mother attend church where Audrey pastors.
While the lack of water is affecting all of us, it made no real difference for the girl. They never have water anyway…
Such lack of convenience always causes me to wonder how they do it.
The water scenario here has really deteriorated. While it is raining close by, it still hasn’t rained here in Ubaúna. The one well the government drilled isn’t really helping that much because it is so far away and is always full of people. We are hoping that the rains that typically come in March will be strong this year. We need rain desperately.
And so he concluded with a request that we pray for rain and for the health of the new baby.