I just got off the elevator whining to anyone who would listen…
One time, just once, I want to be able to come back to Fortaleza and spend the one free day we have being free. It has yet to happen. Usually I have about a hundred little “alligators,” tasks that must be completed while I’m in the country and are almost impossible to do long-distance from the U.S.
For example, children’s educational material for future trips must be looked at and evaluated so plans can be made; the same thing is true of music that will be used for worship and evangelistic outreach and for classes to begin to ground all these new Christians; accounts have to be settled with the bank, the bus that took us to Ubaúna, legal fees and the workers that have been helping us; preparation for flights, hotel checkout, transport to the airport, etc., etc., etc.
And, nothing is quick or easy in Brasil. What should take 15 minutes is guaranteed to take 1-2 hours.
So, we were out of our room at 7:30 a.m. and have been killing these little green reptiles all day. It is 6:30 p.m. and I still have a couple of them that I must put out of their misery. I have ridden in 7 taxis today and have covered the entire eastern side of the city.
The neat thing about today is that the rest of the team seems to have had a really good time. That makes it all worthwhile. 🙂