I’ve got a friend who is actually my “twin” brother by way of another set of parents. He recently told my parents that he was the son they didn’t know they had.
Larry and I have a jaded history. Not with each other, but in what we seem to do to others who get around us. They just don’t know how to deal with us.
Larry, and his son Cody (seen with him here), made the trip to Ubaúna this past week.
This last Ubaúna excursion was his third. It certainly wasn’t his last. In fact, he may start having to give me a run for my money in the number of trips he is going to be chalking up.
Larry loves to cook; he loves to serve; he loves Jesus. In Ubaúna that is a potent combination. He showed up at the church worksite at six in the morning–every morning–and managed to give the day’s work orders to three Brazilians who didn’t speak a lick of English. He took over the restaurant we ate at and showed them how to cook a ham and cheese omelet and Texas toast and the owners were in amazement. Everywhere he went little kids followed him around like he was the Pied Piper of Ubaúna. “Gotta go” was heard all around that little town from sunup to sundown. If there was praying to be done, he was right in the middle; if an usher was needed, he’d fill the gap; dirty floor, he’d have a broom.
He is something of a cross between the Flash and the Lone Ranger.
He is someone who has partnered with Jesus to make Ubaúna a reality.