You know what really gets my goat? People who say they will do something but don’t. I’m gullible. You tell me you will do something, I’ll believe you. Then when you don’t do it I get this big question mark on my face that screams “huh?”
But the reason I really hate it when people don’t do what they say they’ll do is because some folks seem to delight in antagonizing me by being consistently inconsistent. After getting accustomed to someone not doing what they say they’ll do, they turn around and do it.
Then I don’t know what to think. Will they be consistent the next time and not do whay they say or will they be inconsistently consistent and actually do what they say they’ll do? See what I mean?
What happened to “yes” being “yes and “no” being “no?”
I think God isn’t done with me yet. He’s trying to get my attention. Could it be that me being consistently inconsistenly with him drives him crazy? Is that why he puts these inconsistenly consist folks in my path?