I honestly try not to worry about things. I haven’t always been that way.
It dawned on me one day as I read the words of Jesus stating that we are to trust in the Lord, not worry, that I realized if he said it, it must be true. I began moving in that direction and have been extremely pleased with the results.
I’ve realized over the last 24 hours that the decision to believe him has been fruitful. This particular episode with no news or verification coming about Jeremy in Iraq has been a little hobgobbling or alligator nibbling at the fringe of my mind, wanting me to desperately jump fully into the pool of full-scale worry. Many of you have been praying about this and for us. That has fortified my belief in Jesus’ words. I can honestly tell you I’ve felt the result of your prayers.
The Spirit has enabled me to keep the little critter at bay. Regardless of what has happened, if anything at all, I know the Lord is in control.
Thank you for caring!