Don’t you just hate it when you fret over something and someone comes along and shows you how silly it is?
My pastor bro (Jeff) just had to go and do that today!
He noted:
Here’s the tricky part… Now what/who do you trust? Do you… function off of what you have or what God is calling you to do? For us, God continually calls us to move out of our comfort zone and into an “OH CRAP MOMENT!” For some reason God doesn’t let us get too comfortable. He always moves us toward the next step where our TRUST in Him is evident.
He’s absolutely right, you know.
God has put multiple people in front of me today confirming HIS plan of having Áudrey and Andréia in Ubaúna in the next few weeks. Basically He has said, “Trust me.” Jeff has further reminded me of the very same thing.
Jeff also called to mind this passage:
“The eyes of the Lord search the whole Earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”–2 Chronicles 16:9
I want those eyes to find me!
Oh, sorry Jeff. I guess I just co-oped your blog. 🙂