men⋅tor [men-tawr, -ter] –noun
1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
v. intr. – To serve as a trusted counselor or teacher, especially in occupational settings.
Synonyms: adviser, master, guide, preceptor.
Remember the Rick Warren quote a few days ago: Faith is action… Anytime Gods asks you to do the impossible, he’ll give you the power to do it.
What does that look like? Can’t someone just show me?
And THAT is the problem.
I don’t have a mentor.
Who’s going to show me faith in action? Who’s going to coach me when I attempt to access the impossible? Where’s my “wise and trusted counselor” who has years of experience and will take me on as a journeyman to “learn the trade?” Can’t I do it on my own?
Sure you can. But don’t forget that your venue says it can’t happen; are you man enough (or woman enough) to fly in the face of what is politically (or religiously) correct and do what will ostracize you from your peers? Do you really want to be labeled as strange or whacko?
What we have become content to call “faith in action” just doesn’t look like what we find in the book of Acts. It isn’t what Paul describes. It sure doesn’t meet the description of Jesus.
No mentor = a weak imitation of the real.
Now, how about that last thing, courage…