Sometimes I can really mess people up! 🙂
While I don’t always mean to do so, there are times when I really want to. One fellow that got a bad case of “Joeitis” recently is a friend of mine named Patrick. He made a serious mistake of treking down to Ubaúna with us last month and found himself in the Joe black hole. Four thousand miles away from home, unable to speak the language, totally at my mercy, the poor fellow was inudated with the philosophy of the World According to Joe.
Like I mentioned, sometimes I really do want to get under a person’s skin, in a good way, of course. Poor ol’ Patrick got a good skin rash!
The fellow has the proverbial hot coal up the hinny for Jesus. It excites me that he is so excited. Check out his new blog and catch some of his enthusiasm. He also has some good Brasil photos to show off as well.