I watched a really good movie last night.
An ABC remake of the Ten Commandments. I think it was on tv a while back. Watching it in its entirety was sure better than being broken up with all the commercials. The thing that stood out was that Moses didn’t have it all figured out. He fought God’s call for decades. Then one day, he got it — it all came together.
This morning I read about Moses getting all bent out of shape with the Israelites not killing all of the Midianites. I found the whole exchange between him and his military commanders fascinating (Numbers 31). The “why” behind his anger would be a good object lesson for those of us today who want to be fully obedient to the Living God. But, the point that stood out to me was that Moses no longer had any lingering doubt. He was certain and confident.
He was also at the point of death.
Not because he was sick, old, or injured. God said it was time. Period. He had no regrets, even though he wouldn’t enter the promised land. Interesting.
That was it. Then he died. Or did he?